Beyond the Resume: Grit, Passion, and the Unexpected Trailblazers of Innovation
Lately, I’ve been seeing a lot of posts regards to startups being led by brilliant people who were ex engineers of some sort for some of the biggest innovators in the world, Tesla, SpaceX, Nvidia etc to name a few but the list goes on. These new start ups are extreme favorites to disrupt, innovate and revolutionize their space, backed and cheered by VC giants and some of the biggest start up schools in the world!
It’s almost as if it’s a necessity to be an engineer with a tall resume to build the next game changer and if as a founder you meet these things you are automatically favored. I don’t necessarily disagree with this one, at least from a technical aspect, for reasons that stare at you! However, I think old fashioned grit and passion is often forgotten, at least these things are overlooked until they cannot be overlooked anymore. It’s often forgotten that the most innovative, revolutionary and game changing disruptions could very possibly come from someone who was never backed and from the most unexpected place! Could it really not? History speaks for itself, trailblazers were trailblazers because they just were!